I have conceived this research to explore participation in a collaborative process as part of my PhD dissertation. As required for a PhD, I will be responsible for writing and presenting my dissertation. However, as part of Participatory Action Research (my chosen methodology), all other research and dissemination activities will be collaborative.
Principal Researcher
Terry Costantino, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
Supervisory Committee
Andrew Clement, Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
Siobhan Stevenson, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
Matt Ratto, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
Staff and members of the Toronto Public Library, some of whom may agree to be identified here in the future.
Participating Organizations
I gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organizations, including provision of space and materials for meetings but most importantly for agreeing to allow their staff to become involved in my research.